Forget all the job desk, leave your luggage at home and go for relaxing moment...
This is Mr Bean's Holiday... ^_^
His favorite pose on my film camera Nikon FM 10
What u can do with your simple mobile phone's camera?
My previous phone Sony Ericsson K800i made this pictures on my backyard...
simple editing to colorize those pictures on Photoshop CS3
Photos by. Anggara Mahendra
Camera. Sony Ericsson K800i (Mobile Phone)
Macro mode (up to 5cm to the subject)
A camera cellphone?
Like this!!!
to Esha...
sayangnya hapeku yg itu udah hilang gara2 nonton di HRC...
Mantaphzzzz KK
to Hendra...
thanks ya... oiya blog tentang lukisanmu juga bagus... apa nih karya terbarunya?
haha tengkyu2 KK
oiya kalo kk mau, saia gambarkan foto KK:)
karya terakhir ya, yg terakhir di post KK hehe
oiya itu ada workshop photography ya
ada posternya di fb
yg pake Pocket boleh ikut KK?
harganya brapa koq saya bingung ada dua soalnya
150K sama 100 K,....
to hendra...
wah karikatur aja gimana? hehehe... nanti aq fotoin km buat portraitnya... barter jadinya.. ^_^
owh yg di wall ku aq kurang tau juga... ada yang nge tag ke aq aja info itu...
lucu banget idenya!!! dapat dari mana little toys like these?
to Carla...
Ini gantungan kunciku, klo gak salah skitar 4cm ukurannya... beli di mall kok.. ^_^
these pics made my day...!!! =)))))
do you mind if I copied some??love the first one... :D
to Sari...
my pleasure... if u need larger resolution, just contact me OK... but, it's only until 3.2 Mega Pixel (cellphone resolution)
that's really funny object, nice angle...
hahhahahaha ada-ada aja si mr.bean nya
no worries Monsieur Producer...I'll let you know if I need the bigger one...danke.... :D
to delupher...
thanks ya ndi udah mampir kemari dan menyempatkan komen... ^_^
to sari...
siappp bu sari... ^_^
me want that bean figureee
to damar...
haha... banyak yg jual kok di pinggiran jalan.. kebetulan ini beli di mall aja..
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